Home > The Billionaire Wins the Game (Billionaire Bachelors #1)(36)

The Billionaire Wins the Game (Billionaire Bachelors #1)(36)
Author: Melody Anne

She didn’t know if she could survive if he didn’t want her anymore. She’d begun to imagine the happily ever after life she’d read about in so many romance novels. She’d always thought it was a work of fiction but there she was really living it in her own ongoing novel.

Amy was lost in her own thoughts, as she attempted to read a book out by the pool. Her stomach was getting so much larger now as she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy. She kept waiting for Lucas to become repulsed with her body, but he seemed to think the changes were sexy, if his body’s reaction were an indication.

Even on the rare nights they didn’t make love she could feel the evidence he wanted her pressed into the softness of her behind.

“Hello sexy,” said Lucas, as he sat down next to her and nuzzled her neck. “How are you feeling today,” he continued up her neck with an open mouthed kiss that had her pulse sky rocketing.

“I’m feeling great,” she purred. “Want me to take you upstairs and show you,” she pleaded a bit, as his kisses were already making her body turn to a puddle of need.

He gave a chuckle and pulled her into his lap, where he sealed their mouths together in a deep kiss. By the time they pulled apart for some much needed air, she could feel the evidence of his arousal and she was ready for him.

He slid her skirt up and took her there on the lounge with her sitting atop him. She came fast and hard and then collapsed in his arms. “Now that was a great hello,” he whispered to her as he continued to stroke her back.

“Dinner’s ready,” they heard a voice call from inside the house.

Lucas quickly covered his wife up, having forgotten their maid could’ve walked out at any moment. He forgot the rest of the world existed when she was wrapped in his arms.

He didn’t like to lose control that way and sat there uncomfortably while his body tried to return to normal.

“I’m sorry about that,” he said a bit sheepishly. “I was just coming out to say hello, but you make me go a little bit crazy,” he continued on.

She laid her hand on his face while looking into his eyes. “Don’t be sorry, I wanted you just as badly and no one caught us,” she said a bit defensively. “I want to make love to you as much as possible before our child takes up all the room and you won’t be able to touch me anymore,” she finished a little self consciously.

He looked deeply into her eyes and spoke honestly, “you’re beautiful Amy and your body changing with our child growing inside of you, only enhances that beauty. I want you all the time and that won’t change.” He continued to caress her.

They sat there for a while longer until hunger finally had them getting up and going into the kitchen where they shared a pleasantly quiet dinner and then retired early to bed to make love again. As she reached her peak, she quietly whispered “I love you,” finally not being able to hold it back anymore.

She felt him stiffen a bit at her words and feared she’d somehow broken the rules of their marriage. He said nothing, but didn’t push her away. She lay there in his arms feeling desolate and wanting him to repeat the words to her.

She felt like he loved her but maybe she was wrong. Silent tears fell down her cheeks, until she finally fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

Lucas lay there and held his wife as he waited for her breathing to even out, showing him she was finally sleeping. She loved him, he thought in awe. He’d seen the signs of her attachment to him and felt she was falling in love but he was so afraid to open himself up.

There’d been far too many women who’d spoken those same words to him; not because they loved him but because they loved his money, his power and all he could give them.

He knew deep down that Amy wasn’t one of those women, but she already had him completely wrapped around her fingers. To give her his love too; seemed like he would be giving up the last thing he had left to hold onto. He wasn’t ready to do that yet. He had to have something left, he tried to reason.

After she told Lucas she loved him he started coming home later and later. She was seeing him much less. She could feel him slipping away, before she’d ever really had him. She figured she was going to either give this her all, or let go. She couldn’t live in the marriage half way anymore.

It was killing her a little bit more each and every day as she watched him pull further away from her. She didn’t say she loved him anymore, afraid that if she did he would ask her to sleep in a separate room from him.

They were making love less often too, partially because he was gone so much more, but a lot had to do with the fact she was getting so far along in her pregnancy and she was tired all the time.

She had a few months in the middle where she’d felt great but the beginning had been hard and the end was even harder.

The doctor was keeping an eye on her, as she was swelling too much and he was worried her blood pressure was too high. He’d put her on bed rest for ninety percent of each day and she was getting really tired of it.

Finally, she got her blood pressure under control and the doctor told her she could move around a bit more and that some fresh air might do her some good. She decided to get out of the house for a while.

She was going into the office to surprise her husband with a romantic lunch, lovemaking and a confession. She was going to tell him how much she loved him and wanted the marriage to be real.

If he didn’t return her feelings then she was going to let him go and get on with her life. She knew he would want to be a part of her child’s life and that would have to work out but she couldn’t live like roommates any longer.

She knew he still had the power to take her child away from her but as she’d gotten to know him she didn’t think he could ever remove a child from her mother. Besides, there was no way Joseph and Katherine would ever support one of their children taking a child from its mom. They had too much love and respect for family.

Amy was feeling very nervous on her drive into the office. She hadn’t been there in a while and she was scared he wouldn’t be happy with the interruption. She planned her visit when she knew he would be there alone and she could just slip in.

She was praying that he could love her. Please, she prayed, let him love me as much as he loves our unborn child.

She walked into her old office, which was empty and pulled her coat a little bit tighter. It was long and covered her well, but she knew all she had on underneath was skimpy black lingerie. It had been hard to find something sexy, when her stomach was protruding out about a foot from the rest of her body, but unbelievably she’d hit the jackpot and felt sexy for the first time in a very long while.

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