Home > The Tycoon's Secret (Baby for the Billionaire #4)(49)

The Tycoon's Secret (Baby for the Billionaire #4)(49)
Author: Melody Anne

He wanted to lean down and kiss her, but it was too much right then. Without saying anything more, he gripped the small rocking horse in his hand and walked from the room.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“I’m sorry, Mom, but you let me down. You lied to me my entire life, preventing me from having a family who loves me, and you almost cost me everything. You did cost me years – many years of happiness. You used your hands as punishment, you cut me down, and still, I loved you. I tried my best to honor you. What I’ve come to realize in the last three months is that you didn’t deserve my honor or respect. I won’t come back here again. What you did to me was unforgiveable. I hope you’ve found happiness wherever you are, I truly do, but I’m done with your burdens.”

Damien stood over his mother’s grave, a solitary flower in his hand. He’d come to say goodbye. For the last three months, he’d slowly gotten to know the men he’d vowed to harm, the cousins he’d thought were so evil. He found them the opposite of everything he’d ever believed. They were kind and caring, and he actually had a lot in common with them when he let go of the bitterness.

His mother had been wrong. He’d never know why she’d made up the lies she did, never understand how she could deliberately try to damage her son so deeply, but he had to let it go. There was nothing he could do about the past. He did, though, have control of his future.

A pang hit his heart as he thought of his future. He’d tried speaking with Sierra a couple weeks after she’d gotten out of the hospital, but she’d told him he needed time to bond with his new family – he needed time to heal.

He missed her. In a few short months, she’d shown him so much more than he ever thought he deserved. Her passion for life, her unguarded love, when in all rights she should’ve been even more bitter than he was. She had a natural light about her that drew people in, and he wasn’t immune. He wanted so much to be with her.

With new resolve, he turned, determined to make her listen to reason. They were meant to be together. As he looked up, his mouth lifted in a sad smile.

“I thought you could use a shoulder to lean on.”

“More than you know,” he said as he fought back his emotions.

Trinity wrapped him in a hug and he leaned on his best friend, grateful she was there.

“I figured you’d be here. You always visit on her birthday, though I’m glad you finally realize she doesn’t deserve it. I’m sorry, Damien, I’m so sorry for what you went through. I’m sorry she was such a bitter, cruel woman. I’m so impressed with the man you’ve turned into. That’s all because of you, because of what’s in your heart. You’ve chosen to be a good man even though you have every right to hate the world,” Trinity said as she cried in his arms.

Damien smiled as he attempted to comfort Trinity. He thought it amusing she was so bad at staying strong. Her greatest appeal, in his opinion, was how she had the softest heart of anyone he knew.

“What would I do without you in my life, Trinity?”

“You’d fall to pieces. Speaking of which, I should ring your neck. I can’t believe your harebrained scheme, and what you were planning on doing. The only thing saving you right now is that you realized you were being a fool,” she said as she pulled back to give him a watery glare.

“I knew all along how stupid I was being, which is why I didn’t share my plans. I didn’t want to face you – you’re the epitome of goodness. I’m starting to love them, Trinity. Joseph is so full of life, his voice could wake the dead. George is just as stubborn and willful as his brother, but he’s quieter, more the comforter. My cousins, wow, I don’t even know where to start with them. I have to say I truly enjoy Bree. She’s hell on wheels and so loyal. You should’ve seen her when she was protecting Sierra.” Damien smiled with affection.

“I know the Anderson’s a little as my husband and his brothers do business with them on various jobs, but I’m looking forward to getting to know them a lot more now that they’re your family.”

“You know, you’ll always be my family, right? I wouldn’t have made it this far in life had I not met you. I’m so glad I have you.”

“I feel the same way, Damien. We’ll stick together no matter what,” Trinity said as she instantly forgave him for being a fool.

“I need to see Sierra,” he told her as she wrapped her arm in his and they began walking back to their cars.

“Yes you do, but don’t be an idiot. Tell her you love her, buy her a million roses, and beg her on bended knee for forgiveness. Don’t just demand she submit to your will,” Trinity warned.

“Ah, you really know how to wound my pride. I don’t crawl, Trin,” he said with a pucker between his brows.

“Then you don’t love her enough, Damien,” Trinity said, stopping to look him in the eye.

Damien thought about her words. He did love Sierra – even enough to crawl. The realization was staggering as he stood rooted to the spot with Trinity giving him time to sort out his emotions.

“She’ll be at the Anderson’s party tonight,” she said.

“I guess I’d better go and get ready for a dance then,” he said as a smile took over his face. He wasn’t willing to take no for an answer this time, even if he did have to ignore Trinity’s advice and carry Sierra from the room over his shoulder. That thought actually excited him.

“Should I be worried? You two always seem to have your arms around each other,” Drew said as he stepped out of the car he’d been in while waiting for his wife.

“Of course you should be worried. I had her first,” Damien goaded Drew before bending and kissing Trinity on the cheek.

“Now you realize I’m going to have to defend my honor and challenge you to a duel,” Drew told him.

“Anytime, anywhere, Titan,” Damien said before the two men laughed.

“If you brawny men are finished, there’s a party tonight we all have to get ready for,” Trinity said as she let go of Damien and walked over to her husband.

Damien watched the two of them drive off before he got in his own car. The wheels in his head slowly started turning as he made plans for the evening.


Sierra stepped inside the Anderson mansion, nervous as she looked around the familiar ballroom. She’d been inside Joseph and Katherine’s home a few times with Bree, but she knew Damien would be at the party, and she didn’t think she was ready to see him yet.

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