Home > The Tycoon's Secret (Baby for the Billionaire #4)(46)

The Tycoon's Secret (Baby for the Billionaire #4)(46)
Author: Melody Anne

Damien looked at him incredulously. The man was a hell of an actor; Damien would have to give him that. Lies! It was all lies. His mother had told him the truth. They’d killed his father and then thrown out a woman in need. Only monsters did that.

“That’s a great story, Joseph, but we both know it’s nothing but fabrication. I’ve always been right here. If you’d truly wanted to find me, you would have. With your limitless fortune and resources, nothing you want can be out of reach. My mother told me the truth. By the look in Bree’s face, over there, it looks like Ms. Monroe has already told her everything, so I don’t really see a need for this farce of a reunion to continue,” Damien said as he glanced for a brief moment at Sierra.

What little color she had left in her face washed away and her expression fell, but he hardened himself against her. She’d betrayed him – he had no use for her anymore.

“Damien, please, I have proof. Your mother left a toy at our home. Katherine saved it. It has the initials D.W. on it, but we didn’t know what that stood for. Your father married her under a fake name, giving you a false identity. We had no idea how to find you, what your mother’s name was, let alone yours. The only clue we had was the toy,” Joseph said.

Damien shifted on his feet. The man made so much sense – but no, he was lying. He had to be lying. There was no way his mother carried that much bitterness around inside her unless her story was true. He couldn’t’ believe Joseph’s story because then it made his mother into a monster.

“I’m done here,” Damien said, his emotions churning. He had to get out of the room. He turned on his heel and started walking away. He needed some air.

“Damien, wait!” Damien paused in the hallway as he slowly turned, his face giving nothing away.

“What do you want?” he asked Sierra, his voice cold enough to freeze the hall.

“I…I’m sorry. I was trying to do what was right. I know you’re upset right now, but if you’d just listen, you’ll see they really are good peo –”

“Stop. I don’t care. I don’t want to have anything to do with them. I already know who they are and they’re the type to take and take until there’s nothing left to take any more. I thought I knew who you were. I was wrong. You’re fired. Notify my secretary of your address and I’ll have your belongings delivered.”

“But…Damien,” she gasped, tears spilling over as he gave her one last look. He didn’t give her a chance to finish whatever she was going to say. He simply turned and walked away.

Chapter Twenty-Five

“Why do people choose to do this over and over again? I don’t understand how they can bare it,” Sierra said, her voice quiet, her body almost numb. She hadn’t seen Damien in two weeks. The first week she’d cried so often, her face had looked like a white Oompa Loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Finally, the tears had stopped and a deep sense of numbness had set in, thankfully. She didn’t smile, didn’t cry, she just sort of existed.

“I promise it will get better. I know this answer sucks, but just give it some time. He’ll come around, you’ll see. You know what, though, if he stays away then he just doesn’t deserve you because he’s a fool. Don’t give up on love. People fall in love over and over because we’re meant to be with someone, meant to have a happily-ever-after. We aren’t solitary creatures. We need a companion, someone to care for us. You will have that, either with Damien or another very lucky guy. Whoever wins you has won the lottery,” Bree said.

“You have to say that, Bree. Thanks anyway, though. I need to get out for a while. I’ve stayed in here feeling sorry for myself for long enough. I’m through with love forever, but I do need to get a life. I have job hunting to do.”

“You can take as long as you want. I love having you stay with me. I’ve been trying to get you to do it forever. Before you start working full-time again, we’ve got to have some play time, please?” Bree begged, a smile on her face.

Sierra could see Bree was trying her hardest to act positive, but she knew her best friend, and knew she was worried. She needed to quit stressing Bree out. She had enough on her plate with her son Mathew and her ever-growing family.

“I’ll be fine, Bree, and I’ll spend as much time with you as possible, but I really want to work. I miss Damien, but I miss my job, too. I enjoyed working for him. I hope to find something similar to that. I’ll just make sure my boss is ugly and old. There’s no way I’m working for a hot guy again,” Sierra vowed.

“They’re not that easy to hide from. I so wasn’t looking for love when my brothers decided I needed a personal bodyguard, but I’m thankful every night I lay down beside him. Don’t give up – love is worth the pain you have to go through sometimes to reach your happy ending.”

“I truly envy you right now, not enough to hate you, just enough to steal your husband,” Sierra joked.

“You don’t even know how those words are music to my ears. I’d loan him to you, but then I’d have to kill you, and I love you too much to do that,” Bree gave right back.

“All right, I guess I won’t flirt shamelessly with him. I can’t promise not to gaze at his incredible chest when we’re all swimming, though.”

“Deal,” Bree said as she laughed. “Don’t worry, I’d be doing the same if the situation were reversed. When Chad comes in from a long run, and his chest is gleaming, I become an animal. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that man!”

“Okay, Bree, Damien introduced me to the most earth-shattering, phenomenal feelings in the world, and then took it away. I so don’t want to hear about your amazing sex life,” Sierra said, but she smiled to take the sting from her words.

“You started it,” Bree pouted. “How about we go shopping? That will get you out of the house.”

“That sounds perfect. I have a quick errand I have to run first, so why don’t I do that and then pick you up here in one hour?” Sierra asked.

“That’s great. It’ll give me enough time to shower and change. Mathew decided it would be funny to spill his breakfast all over mommy instead of eating any of it,” Bree replied pointing at the dried milk on her shirt.

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