Home > The Tycoon's Secret (Baby for the Billionaire #4)(44)

The Tycoon's Secret (Baby for the Billionaire #4)(44)
Author: Melody Anne

She’d enjoyed their three night stay there, strolling through the rows of grapes, talking with the workers, and drinking too much wine.

She’d found she was quite limber when she had a couple of glasses of wine in her. Damien had seemed to enjoy that immensely. Her smile grew at the fond memory.

“Don’t you look mighty happy.”

Sierra froze at the all too familiar sarcastic voice of her father. She’d been so focused on Damien, she hadn’t even noticed the man who’d terrorized her nearly her entire life, approaching. She concentrated on putting on her mask before turning to him.

“Hello, Father,” she said formally.

“I’m surprised you remember who I am since I haven’t heard from you once. I’ve tried getting in contact but your old number is turned off and Damien’s security is tighter than mine. Come with me,” he commanded as he tightly gripped her arm and dragged her through one of the many terrace doors to a dimly lit patio. He moved to the edge, ensuring more privacy.

The evening was almost bitterly cold, with a light drizzle filling the air. The small area had a roof but it didn’t offer much protection. Sierra could tell her father felt the place allowed him privacy, as no one else would be foolish enough to venture to one of the balconies without a heater.

“I shouldn’t be gone long, Dad, I’m working tonight,” Sierra said as she pushed down the ever present fear of being in her father’s presence. She was angry that he was able to invoke the emotion after being away from him for months. She’d felt she had made such great progress on her new independence, too.

“You’ll stay as long as I want you to. Have you forgotten who I am! Just because you have a new man in your life doesn’t mean jack to me. I can yank you back to my house anytime I feel like it,” he snarled as his fingers tightened around her arm.

Years of abuse welled up inside her, until she was boiling. She was sick of his threats, sick of his abuse. She was done. She’d much rather he carried out his threat and killed her than for her to ever live under his roof again. Damien had told her about the deal he’d made. She’d been sickened that her father had basically sold her, but she was also grateful for it. The time away from him, her growth as a woman, and falling in love with Damien had all added up to her no longer being that cowering little girl in the corner.

“No, Douglas, I haven’t forgotten anything. The many years of your fist smashing into my face, the threats, the accusations, the slander against my mother, all of it is still fresh in my mind! Do you want to know something, though? I really don’t care whether you want to know or not, because I’m going to tell you. I’ve had enough. I’m not afraid of you anymore. You can’t control me. After this little meeting, I never want to speak to you again. You’re a miserable man who compensates for short-comings by threatening and harming others. You treat your employees like crap, and what you’ve done to me is criminal. Release my arm this minute or I’ll –”

“You’ll what, Sierra!” he interrupted her before lifting his hand and slapping her so hard across the face she became dizzy. She shook her head, trying to clear it, planning on fighting him back for the first time ever. She didn’t care if she lost. She’d get a few good kicks in, at least.

Before she could react, though, he was thrown back from her. Her head finally cleared and she looked down, seeing her father lying on the cold floor with blood oozing from his nose as he released a stream of swear words.

She looked up and saw Damien gazing at her, his eyes flashing with fury. He lifted his hand and she flinched, not knowing why, he’d never done anything to harm her – but that look in his eyes was frightening.

“I’m so sorry, Sierra. He should’ve never been allowed to do that,” he whispered as his hand gently caressed her cheek. His fingers shook as they held her face, his eyes still stormed, but his tone was gentle, pained.

“It’s not your fault,” she whispered as the first tear fell.

“I should’ve put the puzzle together by now. I knew something was wrong, that your life wasn’t what I’d first assumed, but I never thought he was abusing you. I should have figured it out because my mom did the same to me. I, above anyone, should’ve seen the signs. It’s just a part of my life I’ve blocked out.”

His confession shocked her. Even though she’d grown up with an abusive parent, she had a hard time comprehending how anyone who was supposed to be your biggest protector could instead be your worst nightmare. A parent’s hands were supposed to be strong, caring, and lift you up, not strike you down and inspire fear.

Douglas had his handkerchief in hand as he attempted to wipe up the blood still oozing from his nose. He was making feeble attempts at standing. She was so focused on Damien she barely noticed her pathetic father.

“Oh, Damien, I’m sorry you went through that,” Sierra said as she wrapped her arms around him. How could he want to avenge a parent who’d hurt him so badly.

“I’ll make you pay for this, Whitfield, just you wait,” Douglas spluttered as he finally managed to rise to his feet.

“You’ll leave this porch, and then continue out the front doors. If I ever see you come anywhere near Sierra again, I’ll bankrupt what little you have left and make sure you spend the rest of your life on the streets. You’ve already proven you’re an untrustworthy business partner; it wouldn’t even take more than a phone call. Make the choice, Monroe,” Damien said, never letting go of his grip on Sierra.

Her father looked at her in shock, then back at Damien before he scurried off like the rat he was. Sierra wanted to fall to her knees, thanking Damien. She had a feeling that her father was truly out of her life for good.

“Thank you,” she offered as her sobs began. She couldn’t say anything more than that.

Damien held her, brushing the back of her head with his hand, making gentle hushing sounds. Sierra couldn’t believe what had just happened and that Damien had come to her rescue. All her life she’d wished for someone to deliver her. It was almost too much of a fairytale to believe. As her sobs subsided, Damien led her back inside, straight to a private restroom where he washed away her tears. Her cheek was red with a slight bruise beginning to form. Out of old habits, she always carried thick cover up to mask her father’s abuse. She grabbed the compact and applied it, and only upon close inspection would a person see the results of her father’s hand.

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